At Actikem we believe in enhancing lives through chemistry.
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged every sector of industry in every country and affected both companies and individuals. Whilst the pandemic took everyone by surprise, Actikem reacted quickly to implement a number of measures that now mitigate the risks presented by COVID-19. The continued well-being of our employees, supply chain partners, our customers and our wider community has been our priority during these last few months and will remain our priority.
We quickly developed hand sanitiser formulations and have quickly brought these to market supporting our local authority with some free products during the shortages.
A detailed site risk assessment has been conducted and the resulting action plan has been implemented. This has been done with the most up-to-date government advice at the time and is monitored weekly should changes be required. Among the risk mitigation measures in place are:
Social Distancing and Separation Measures
- The 2m social distancing rule has been implemented on our site
- We have staggered breaks to ensure the minimum number of employees are on their lunch or refreshment breaks
- The use of phones to communicate have been encouraged between departments with less face to face meetings
- Operations have implemented the use of a sample table to stop entering our QC laboratory, again to minimise interdepartmental contact
- Where employees can work from home this has been implemented
- The sales office has the minimum number of staff in at a time to run the office
- We have encouraged contactless deliveries with our suppliers to minimise spread through delivery paperwork
- Any meetings that take place are using digital technologies to meet remotely
- Only essential visitors are allowed to visit our site, and when entering, receive instructions to ensure social distancing rules and good hygiene practices are always used
- Employees who are, or live with, the ‘clinically vulnerable’ or are in the ‘shielded clinically extremely vulnerable’ category have either been told to work from home or where this is not possible, have been furloughed until further notice
Sanitisation, Hygiene and PPE
- The importance of using hand sanitisers and washing hands regularly have been communicated to all staff
- Hand sanitisers are available in every department to use, and available to haulage drivers as they enter the site
- Daily cleaning of workstations, light switches, handrails and handles have been implemented with antibacterial wipes
- Our cleaning contractors have implemented a more robust cleaning regime to sanitise those areas of high contact and use
- Where employees feel they cannot fully meet the 2m social distancing rule, they have been asked to use face masks which have been issued
Information and Training
- Employees have been given instructions and training on how to identify the symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do if they believe they have COVID-19
- There are a number of signs around the site to remind employees and visitors to adhere to the 2m social distancing rule and to use hand sanitisers and wash hands more regularly
- A weekly email update is given to staff on the current government guidance and best practice
- The risk assessment is re-evaluated monthly and any additional risk mitigation measures are included in the action plan
The investments that Actikem have made in digital technologies have meant we have been able to continue to serve our customers with the minimum of disruption.
By working together we can keep us all safe.