ISO9001:2015 Re-certification validate Actikem’s quality management systems

Actikem have again demonstrated that it operates a quality management system that is well documented, robust and consistent, following their recent audit in August 2022. We are pleased to report that we have received re-certification from SOCOTEC certification UK Ltd, a UKAS certified accreditation body which assessed our quality management system as conforming to ISO 9001:2015, for the scope of activities:

Production, repackaging, storage and distribution of chemicals.

The ISO9001:2015 standard quality management system is one which is established, implemented, maintained, and continuously improved. It implements a Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle which establishes the objectives of the system, implements what was planned, monitors and measures the processes and takes any actions to improve performance.  This is an important part of Actikem’s quality management system as a chemical manufacturer because it gives assurance to customers that they will receive products that are high quality, well documented and consistent.

As a custom chemical formulation and chemical repackaging company, quality, consistency, and traceability are key. To ensure this, the laboratory is equipped with different chemical manufacturing analytical equipment such as a Karl Fisher water determination, both LV and RV Brookfield viscometers, pH meters, non-volatile determination, densitometer, an auto titrator and more. Our technicians and chemists are fully trained to be proficient with all analytical equipment and generate Certificates of Analysis to guarantee the results are within customer specifications. Standard production methods, operating procedures and test methods ensure each time a product is manufactured, the quality and consistency of batches are always right.

Actikem are a contract chemical manufacturing, formulation and repackaging company that service the UK and European chemical supply chain from its site in Warrington, UK.

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